Recognising the positive economic and social benefits events and tourism has on the region, the City of Busselton has developed an Event Sponsorship Program that aims to assist in the funding and attraction of year-round events to the region, bridging the existing events shoulder season and further advancing the region as the Events Capital of Regional WA.
Every proposal for an event seeking sponsorship from the City of Busselton is required to complete an Event Sponsorship Program Application. This format has been designed to ensure:
- Planning for every event is rigorous, transparent and comprehensive;
- Annual events use the Event Sponsorship Program Application as a planning tool to continually improve the quality of the event; and
- The City’s Marketing and Events Reference Group can assess each proposal fairly and equitably.
Application forms, information & guidelines are available from the City Administration Office, the attachments below, or by contacting Julie Oates on 9781 0451 or [email protected]
Event Sponsorship Guidelines
Event Sponsorship Program Application
Event Sponsorship Evaluation Forms
Prospective applicants are welcome to contact Shane Walsh, Events Coordinator on 9781 0302 to discuss their applications prior to submission.
Applications close at 4pm on Monday 30 March 2015.
NO applications will be considered after this time.