This fortnight, we are highlighting Sally and Serge, owners of Newberry Manor, located in Old Dunsborough.
How long have you been operating/in the business? We’ve been in the business three years, before which Sally was a Marketing Consultant and Serge was a Commercial Diver. We just fancied a change!
Tell us about your business: We think of ourselves as a boutique hotel with a down-to-earth, friendly twist. So it’s all about touches of luxury, lots of extras but nothing pretentious – and it must be working because we’ve just been ranked 4th Best B&B Australia by Trip Advisor. The very generous size of our rooms and ensuites, fresh flowers, quality bed linen and fluffy bathrobes set the tone. We also have a very large guest lounge with log fire in winter and lots of outdoor seating options in our gardens for summer. Breakfast is another key part of our offering (and our workload!) and we call on Serge’s French background to whip up a variety of omelettes, crepes, strong coffee and much more. With very many of our guests being interstate or international visitors to the area they rely on our local knowledge, so we’re always really happy to hear about anything new on offer from other members.
What is your unique point of difference? Serge – he’s had so many careers he can talk to anyone about anything! But seriously … it’s that we’re small and dedicated enough to add a personal touch to every guest’s stay.
Do you have any new updates to share? We’ve completely renovated the garden over the past two years with lots of stone walls and lush planting. We’re also part way through complete replacement of some of our bathrooms and refurbishment of the others … fun, fun, fun but the result is worth the effort!
Favourite part of the job – what keeps you going? Seeing our guests have a great time and building a lovely home for ourselves that we get to share with others.
What do you love about The Margaret River Region? The beach and blue water do it for us every time! The community spirit is something we love and all have to hold onto as we grow as well.
View Newberry Manor’s page on MargaretRiver.com