Review Express is a shiny new tool from TripAdvisor that allows businesses to send bulk emails to guests asking them to write reviews, which are then published on TripAdvisor.
The goal of the service is to increase the number and quality of ratings and reviews that tourism businesses receive. On average, regular Review Express users see an uplift of 28 percent in reviews for their property, according to TripAdvisor.
Reminder e-mails are a great way to generate fresh reviews, build ongoing relationships with guests and potentially impact your popularity ranking.
Don’t have an e-mail programme in place? TripAdvisor’s Review Express can help!
Okay so I've got my first review. Now what?
Thank the reviewer for taking the time to share their experience. Avoid using the same standard reply for every response, as that can come across as repetitive and insincere. Refer to the reviewers’ positive comments about your property to both personalize your response and reiterate the compliment to your potential guests.
How do I respond to a positive review?
TripAdvisor offers lots and lots of information to help businesses use the site to its full advantage, and there is some great advice about responding to reviews here.
Here’s what they say about responding to negative and positive reviews…

How to respond to a negative review?
Be courteous and professional
Respond quickly
Thank the reviewer
If the review contains a specific complaint, explain what you have done to fix the issue so potential guests are reassured that the problem is resolved.
Highlight the positives
Address the specific issues
Highlight any positive comments the reviewer has made. You can even take the opportunity to mention related services or planned upgrades that you would like to share with potential guests.