Cabin Fever Social Media Blitz
After the success of last year’s social media blitz for Cabin Fever, it’s happening again next Tuesday 19th June, at 5pm.
The idea is to have as many people as possible posting about Cabin Fever on the same day at the same time – basically flooding news feed so there’s no way that people don’t know that Cabin Fever is happening.
Members are invited to get on board for this. If you are hosting an event, use this as an opportunity to promote it, but you can still get involved even if you aren’t hosting an event. The purpose of the festival is to boost business in the region as a whole, so use the festival as a drawcard to boost visitation over winter and remind people of your business.
Please find some useful information, suggested copy and images here.
Don’t forget to tag @cabinfever_au on Instagram and @cabinfeverwinterfest on Facebook and use the hashtag#cabinfeverfest.