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MRBTA Welcomes Sydney Flight Announcement

By November 16, 2023Airport

MRBTA welcomes the news of a new direct air service linking the region to the east coast, with Jetstar today announcing that it will commence a Sydney-Busselton service from March 2024.

Jetstar will operate the service three times per week on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, departing Busselton at 1:55pm (WST) and landing at Sydney Airport at 9:00pm (EST).

Jetstar has announced the new service following consistently strong passenger loads both inbound and outbound on the Melbourne-Busselton route, which commenced in April 2022.

The announcement of this new service just 19 months after the Melbourne route commenced is a tremendous achievement, and MRBTA congratulates the teams at the City of Busselton and Tourism WA, who have led the way in securing this new route.

This news demonstrates the confidence that Jetstar has in the exceptional visitor experiences provided by the region’s tourism operators.

The new Sydney service will help to diversify the region’s visitor profile and mitigate its heavy reliance on the intrastate market. The route also opens up new opportunities to connect international visitors to the region through itineraries travelling via Sydney.

Route marketing will be led by the route’s commercial partners. MRBTA will support these efforts by providing content through its destination channels to reinforce travel preferences for the region and to help visitors plan their stay. MRBTA members will be notified of specific marketing and product development opportunities as they arise.

MRBTA will also continue to support the region’s aviation efforts through advocacy for the development of the Airport, and through the provision of ground handling services through South West Aviation Services.

Flights are now on sale via