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MRBTA receives visitor estimates for the Margaret River region (from Busselton to Augusta) every three months, via Tourism Research Australia and Tourism Western Australia.

Visitation Results Year Ending September 2024

Domestic (intrastate and interstate) visitor numbers continue to fall from their post-pandemic highs, with the year-on-year and three year data showing reductions of -4.2% and -3.9% respectively. This latest report indicates that visitor numbers have returned to just above their pre-Covid levels (YE June 2019 visitor numbers = 1.45m). Spend (at the ASW level) for the period is up 30% compared to pre-Covid, noting that inflation will be driving some of the result.

Interstate and international visitation are still below their pre-pandemic levels:

  • Interstate visitor numbers are still too small to report at the MRR level and are therefore reported as part of overall domestic visitation.  Overall interstate visitation to WA is at 92% of the 2019 benchmark, with recovery being affected by a slow-to-recover business sector travelling into the State.
  • International visitors to MRR equate to 73% of the 2019 benchmark.
  • Overall international visitation to WA is at 85% of the 2019 benchmark. The fastest recovering markets to WA are China, India, New Zealand and Indonesia, which are now exceeding pre-pandemic visitation. Singapore is 2% behind pre-pandemic levels, while there are more significant lags in visitation returning from Malaysia, the US and UK.


Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Sep 22 YE Sep 23 YE Sep 24 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,621,000 1,563,000 1,497,000 -4.2% -3.9%
Nights 5,827,000 5,083,000 5,214,000 2.6% -5.4%


International Visitation to Australia’s South West Sub-Regions
YE Dec 19 YE Sep 24
Margaret River Region 141,200 102,800
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys
^CAGR= average annual growth rate

For further visitation data, please see:

Visitation Results Year Ending June 2024

Domestic (intrastate and interstate) visitor numbers continue to fall from their post-pandemic highs, with the year-on-year and three year data showing reductions of -0.2% and -4.4% respectively. This latest report indicates that visitor numbers have returned to just above their pre-Covid levels (YE June 2019 visitor numbers = 1.45m). Spend (at the ASW level) for the period is up 40% compared to pre-Covid, noting that inflation will be driving some of the result.

Interstate and international visitation are still below their pre-pandemic levels:

  • Interstate visitor numbers are still too small to report at the MRR level and are therefore reported as part of overall domestic visitation.  Overall interstate visitation to WA is at 95% of the 2019 benchmark.
  • International visitors to MRR equate to 66% of the 2019 benchmark.
  • Overall international visitation to WA is at 82% of the 2019 benchmark. The fastest recovering markets to WA are China, India and New Zealand, which are now exceeding pre-pandemic visitation. Singapore is 7% behind pre-pandemic levels, while there are more significant lags in visitation returning from Malaysia, the US and UK.

Anecdotal feedback from MRBTA members indicates that they have experienced a quieter winter period compared with recent years, but that there is more of an optimistic outlook for the coming spring and summer seasons, with events playing a role in stimulating shoulder season visitation.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Jun 22 YE Jun 23 YE Jun 24 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,659,000 1,518,000 1,515,000 -0.2% -4.4%
Nights 6,006,000 5,046,000 5,096,000 1.0% -7.9%


International Visitation to Australia’s South West Sub-Regions
YE Dec 19 YE Jun 24
Margaret River Region 141,200 92,800
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys

For further visitation data, please see:

Visitation Results Year Ending March 2024

Domestic (intrastate and interstate) visitor numbers continue to fall from their post-pandemic highs and are now just below their pre-Covid levels (YE March 2019 visitor numbers = 1.499m). Visitor nights are still above their pre-pandemic levels (YE March 2019 visitor nights = 4.470m).

Spend (at the ASW level) for the period is up 38% compared to pre-Covid, noting that inflation will be driving some of the result.

Interstate and international visitation are still below their pre-pandemic levels:

  • Interstate visitor numbers are still too small to report at the MRR level and are therefore reported as part of overall domestic visitation.  Overall interstate visitation to WA is at 89% of the 2019 benchmark.
  • International visitors to MRR equate to 62% of the 2019 benchmark. Overall international visitation to WA is at 81% of the 2019 benchmark.

The results are consistent with anecdotal reports received from members, who are citing a return to pre-Covid operating conditions including a decline in overall visitor numbers, more distinct fluctuations in visitation, and shorter booking lead times.

 Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Mar 22 YE Mar 23 YE Mar 24 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,626,000 1,593,000 1,465,000 -8.0% -5.1%
Nights 5,888,000 5,324,000 5,089,000 -4.4% -7.0%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys


 International Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Dec 19 YE Mar 24
Margaret River Region 141,200 88,900
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International Visitor Surveys

For further visitation data, please see:

Visitation Results Year Ending June 2024

Domestic (intrastate and interstate) visitor numbers continue to fall from their post-pandemic highs, with the year-on-year and three year data showing reductions of -0.2% and -4.4% respectively. This latest report indicates that visitor numbers have returned to just above their pre-Covid levels (YE June 2019 visitor numbers = 1.45m). Spend (at the ASW level) for the period is up 40% compared to pre-Covid, noting that inflation will be driving some of the result.

Interstate and international visitation are still below their pre-pandemic levels:

  • Interstate visitor numbers are still too small to report at the MRR level and are therefore reported as part of overall domestic visitation.  Overall interstate visitation to WA is at 95% of the 2019 benchmark.
  • International visitors to MRR equate to 66% of the 2019 benchmark.
  • Overall international visitation to WA is at 82% of the 2019 benchmark. The fastest recovering markets to WA are China, India and New Zealand, which are now exceeding pre-pandemic visitation. Singapore is 7% behind pre-pandemic levels, while there are more significant lags in visitation returning from Malaysia, the US and UK.

Anecdotal feedback from MRBTA members indicates that they have experienced a quieter winter period compared with recent years, but that there is more of an optimistic outlook for the coming spring and summer seasons, with events playing a role in stimulating shoulder season visitation.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Jun 22 YE Jun 23 YE Jun 24 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,659,000 1,518,000 1,515,000 -0.2% -4.4%
Nights 6,006,000 5,046,000 5,096,000 1.0% -7.9%


International Visitation to Australia’s South West Sub-Regions
YE Dec 19 YE Jun 24
Margaret River Region 141,200 92,800
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys

For further visitation data, please see:

Visitation Results Year Ending March 2024

Domestic (intrastate and interstate) visitor numbers continue to fall from their post-pandemic highs and are now just below their pre-Covid levels (YE March 2019 visitor numbers = 1.499m). Visitor nights are still above their pre-pandemic levels (YE March 2019 visitor nights = 4.470m).

Spend (at the ASW level) for the period is up 38% compared to pre-Covid, noting that inflation will be driving some of the result.

Interstate and international visitation are still below their pre-pandemic levels:

  • Interstate visitor numbers are still too small to report at the MRR level and are therefore reported as part of overall domestic visitation.  Overall interstate visitation to WA is at 89% of the 2019 benchmark.
  • International visitors to MRR equate to 62% of the 2019 benchmark. Overall international visitation to WA is at 81% of the 2019 benchmark.

The results are consistent with anecdotal reports received from members, who are citing a return to pre-Covid operating conditions including a decline in overall visitor numbers, more distinct fluctuations in visitation, and shorter booking lead times.

 Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Mar 22 YE Mar 23 YE Mar 24 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,626,000 1,593,000 1,465,000 -8.0% -5.1%
Nights 5,888,000 5,324,000 5,089,000 -4.4% -7.0%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys


 International Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Dec 19 YE Mar 24
Margaret River Region 141,200 88,900
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International Visitor Surveys

For further visitation data, please see:

National Visitation Results Year Ending December 2023

Domestic tourism numbers to the region have increased slightly, by 1% year-on-year. Overall visitor numbers continue to be above their pre-Covid levels.

Tourism WA reports that for the year ending December 2023, all of WA’s regions saw growth in total spend compared with pre-Covid, with Australia’s South West seeing an increase of 44%. This increase is driven by increased average daily spend from both overnight and daytrip visitors.

There were approximately 84,000 overnight international visitors to the Margaret River Region in YE December 2023, which equates to 60% of the 2019 volume (141,200 visitors). Overall international visitation to WA is at 79% of the 2019 benchmark.


Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Dec 21 YE Dec 22 YE Dec 23 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,586,000 1,543,000 1,573,000 1.9% -0.4%
Nights 5,686,000 5,389,000 5,370,000 -0.4% -2.8%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys


For further visitation data, please see:

National Visitation Results Year Ending September 2023

Domestic tourism numbers to the region have declined year-on-year as West Australians’ propensity to travel outbound continues to grow, however numbers are still above their pre-Covid levels. For reference, September 2019 figures show total domestic visitor numbers at 1,452,000.

Tourism WA reports that for the year ending September 2023, all of WA’s regions saw growth in total spend compared with pre-Covid, with Australia’s South West seeing an increase of 48%. This increase is driven by increased average daily spend from both overnight and daytrip visitors.

Outside of Covid times, winter has always been a quieter period for the region, and anecdotal reports from operators indicated a quieter Winter 2023 in comparison with recent years.

Visitation from markets such as Singapore has helped to bolster numbers during shoulder and off-peak periods. State level statistics for YE September 2023 indicates that the visitation from Singapore has recovered to 80% of pre-Covid figures. In general, international visitation to WA is 26% down from pre-Covid levels.


Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Sep 21 YE Sep 22 YE Sep 23 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,617,000 1,621,000 1,563,000 -3.6% -1.7%
Nights 5,640,000 5,827,000 5,083,000 -12.8% -5.1%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

For further visitation data, please see:

National Visitation Results Year Ending June 2023

As expected, domestic tourism numbers to the region have declined as West Australians’ propensity to travel outbound continues to grow, however numbers are still above their pre-Covid levels, with nights markedly up. For reference, June 2019 figures show total domestic visitor numbers at 1,450,000 and nights at 4,242,000.

Attractions, such as the Busselton Jetty and the caves and lighthouses, and tours and experiences, which tend to rely more heavily on interstate and international markets, are performing better than they were during Covid as a result of growing visitor numbers from these markets. Outside of Covid times, winter has always been a quieter period for the region, but visitation from markets such as Singapore has helped to bolster numbers, illustrating the importance of inbound markets in sustaining year-round visitation.

Tourism WA reports that for the year ending June 2023, all of WA’s regions saw growth in total spend, compared with pre-Covid, with Australia’s South West seeing an increase of 38%. This increase is driven by increased average daily spend. International visitation to WA is 31% down from pre-Covid levels.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Jun 21 YE Jun 22 YE Jun 23 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,620,000 1,659,000 1,518,000 -8.5% -3.2%
Nights 5,589,000 6,006,000 5,046,000 -16.0% -5.0%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending June 2023

As expected, domestic tourism numbers to the region have declined as West Australians’ propensity to travel outbound continues to grow, however numbers are still above their pre-Covid levels, with nights markedly up. For reference, June 2019 figures show total domestic visitor numbers at 1,450,000 and nights at 4,242,000.

Attractions, such as the Busselton Jetty and the caves and lighthouses, and tours and experiences, which tend to rely more heavily on interstate and international markets, are performing better than they were during Covid as a result of growing visitor numbers from these markets. Outside of Covid times, winter has always been a quieter period for the region, but visitation from markets such as Singapore has helped to bolster numbers, illustrating the importance of inbound markets in sustaining year-round visitation.

Tourism WA reports that for the year ending June 2023, all of WA’s regions saw growth in total spend, compared with pre-Covid, with Australia’s South West seeing an increase of 38%. This increase is driven by increased average daily spend. International visitation to WA is 31% down from pre-Covid levels.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Jun 21 YE Jun 22 YE Jun 23 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,620,000 1,659,000 1,518,000 -8.5% -3.2%
Nights 5,589,000 6,006,000 5,046,000 -16.0% -5.0%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending March 2023

State level statistics continue to recover for international and interstate markets (at 59% and 89% of pre-Covid levels, respectively).

Domestic visitation grew at State level, driven by increases in intrastate visitation to the Coral Coast and Perth, while our region saw a decline of 2% in domestic visitation.

Intrastate trip length has shortened at State level and is now in line with pre-Covid. For our region, domestic visitor nights are tracking at -9.6% YOY.  Conversely, average daily visitor spend is reported to have increased by 30% compared to pre-Covid for ASW.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Mar 21 YE Mar 22 YE Mar 23 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,424,000 1,626,000 1,593,000 -2.0% 5.8%
Nights 5,077,000 5,888,000 5,324,000 -9.6% 2.4%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending September 2022

The region attracted 1.616 million intrastate and interstate (domestic) visitors for the YE September 22. Numbers held steady compared with the previous year, with a marginal change of -0.1%. There was more significant movement in visitor nights, with the volume increasing 3.1% to 5.813 million.

Visitor numbers continue to exceed pre-Covid numbers (YE September 19 visitation = 1,453,000; nights = 4,349,000). International visitor statistics are pending.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Sep 20 YE Sep 21 YE Sep 22 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,229,000 1,617,000 1,616,000 -0.1% 14.7%
Nights 4,202,000 5,640,000 5,813,000 3.1% 17.6%
^CAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending June 2022

The region attracted 1.659 million intrastate and interstate (domestic) visitors for the YE Jun 22, an increase of 2.4% compared with previous year. Visitor numbers continue to exceed pre-Covid numbers (YE June 19 visitation = 1,450,000; nights = 4,242,000). Domestic spend is up at the Australia’s South West level, at 129% of pre-Covid levels.

International visitor statistics are pending. Anecdotally, key international markets for the region such as Singapore and UK have not rebounded to their pre-Covid numbers. Despite this, businesses working in these markets have felt their return.

Looking ahead, WA residents are still taking fewer trips interstate and internationally than they were pre-Covid.  This, combined with rebounding interstate and international numbers should see visitation to the region remain strong over summer.

YE Jun 20 YE Jun 21 YE Jun 22 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,152,000 1,620,000 1,659,000 2.4% 20.0%
Nights 3,879,000 5,589,000 6,006,000 7.5% 24.4%

National Visitation Results Year Ending March 2022

The region attracted 1.626 million intrastate and interstate (domestic) visitors for the YE Mar 22, an increase of 14.2% compared with previous year.  This is 12% more than total visitation (including international) at YE March 20 which totalled 1.458 million.  Total spend at the ASW level for the same period was up 28% from $1.75 billion to $2.25 billion.

YE Mar 20 YE Mar 21 YE Mar 22 % Change 3 year CAGR^
Visitors 1,325,000 1,424,000 1,626,000 14.2% 10.8%
Nights 4,114,000 5,077,000 5,888,000 16.0% 19.6%

National Visitation Results Year Ending December 2021

The region attracted 1,586,000 visitors for the year ending December 2021 – an increase of 16.8% compared with previous year. Pre-Covid (YE Dec 19) total visitation including international was 1,559,200 – showing that total visitation from all markets is only slightly down compared with 2019, despite borders being closed. Visitor spend increased from $1,737,000 YE Dec 20 to $2,271,000 YE Dec 21 (+12.4% 3 year AAGR).

Increases in visitation and spend have been experienced by the accommodation and hospitality sector, but not tours, attractions and experiences. Visitation patterns have fluctuated significantly throughout the year, and have been characterised by high levels of visitation during peak periods such as school holidays and weekends, and much lower levels of visitation mid-week and though winter.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Dec 19 YE Dec 20 YE Dec 21 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Visitors 1,418,000 1,358,000 1,586,000 16.8% 5.8%
Nights 4,301,000 4,597,000 5,686,000 23.7% 15.0%

National Visitation Results Year Ending September 2021

The region attracted 1,616,000 visitors for the year ending September 2021 – an increase of 31.6% compared with previous year and an increase of 11.2% compared with pre-Covid visitation in 2019. The figures reflect West Australians’ travel behaviour under the ongoing closed border arrangement.

Increases in visitation and spend have been experienced by the accommodation and hospitality sector, but not tours, attractions and experiences. Visitation patterns have fluctuated significantly throughout the year, and have been characterised by high levels of visitation during peak periods such as school holidays and weekends, and much lower levels of visitation mid-week and though winter.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Sep 19 YE Sep 20 YE Sep 21 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Visitors 1,453,000 1,229,000 1,617,000 31.6% 5.5%
Nights 4,349,000 4,202,000 5,640,000 34.2% 13.9%
^AAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending June 2021

With ongoing international travel restrictions in place and a captive intrastate market, domestic visitor numbers have increased year-on-year by 40.6%, and visitor nights have increased by 44.1%. Compared with pre-Covid figures, visitor numbers and nights have also increased, by 5.7% and 14.8% respectively. Reports on visitor spend at the South West level show that visitor spend is up considerably, from $1.4 to $2 million.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Jun 19 YE Jun 20 YE Jun 21 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Visitors 1,450,000 1,152,000 1,620,000 +40.6% +5.7%
Nights 4,242,000 3,879,000 5,589,000 +44.1% +14.8%
^AAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending March 2021

With ongoing international travel restrictions in place, domestic visitor numbers have increased year-on-year by 7.5%, and visitor nights have increased by 23.4%. Compared with pre-Covid figures, visitor numbers remain reduced, however, visitor nights have increased substantially, with a 3-year average annual growth rate of 6.6%.

Domestic Visitation to Margaret River Region
YE Mar 19 YE Mar 20 YE Mar 21 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Visitors 1,499,000 1,325,000 1,424,000 7.5% -2.5%
Nights 4,470,000 4,114,000 5,077,000 23.4% 6.6%
^AAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending December 2020

Figures for the year ending December 2020 encompass the slowing down and eventual shut down of tourism activity in the region due to Covid-19 restrictions.

YE Dec 18 YE Dec 19 YE Dec 20 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Margaret River Region          
International Overnight Visitors 136,800 141,200 35,100 -75.1% -49.3%
Interstate Overnight Visitors 171,000 184,000 59,000 -67.9% -41.3%
Intrastate Overnight Visitors 1,218,000 1,234,000 1,299,000 5.3% 3.3%
Total Overnight Visitors 1,525,800 1,559,200 1,393,100 -10.7% -4.4%
^AAGR= average annual growth rate

Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending September 2020

Figures for the year ending September 2020 encompass the slowing down and eventual shut down of tourism activity in the region due to Covid-19 restrictions.

YE Sep 18 YE Sep 19 YE Sep 20 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Margaret River Region          
International Overnight Visitors 130,900 136,200 86,400 -36.6% -18.8%
Interstate Overnight Visitors 164,000 172,000 122,000 -29.1% -13.8%
Intrastate Overnight Visitors 1,220,000 1,280,000 1,108,000 -13.4% -4.7%
Total Overnight Visitors 1,514,900 1,588,200 1,316,400 -17.1% -6.8%
^AAGR= average annual growth rate

Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys

National Visitation Results Year Ending June 2020

Figures for the year ending June 2020 encompass the slowing down and eventual shut down of tourism activity in the region due to Covid-19 restrictions.

YE Jun 18 YE Jun 19 YE Jun 20 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Interstate Overnight Visitors 171,000 167,000 146,000 -12.6% -7.6%
Intrastate Overnight Visitors 1,186,000 1,283,000 1,007,000 -21.5% -7.9%
Total Overnight Visitors 1,357,000 1,450,000 1,153,000 -20.5% -7.8%

National and International Visitation Results Year Ending March 2020

Figures for the year ending March 2020 encompass the slowing down and eventual shut down of tourism activity in the region due to Covid-19 restrictions. Declines in international and intrastate visitation have contributed to an overall decline of 10.94% in overnight visitation to the region. Interstate visitation was increasing at such a momentum pre-Covid, that the year-on-year figures still show an increase of 3.35%.

YE Mar 18 YE Mar 19 YE Mar 20 % Change 3 year AAGR^
International Overnight Visitors 129,300 139,000 131,900 -5.11% 1.00%
Interstate Overnight Visitors 133,000 179,000 185,000 3.35% 17.94%
Intrastate Overnight Visitors 1,130,000 1,319,000 1,141,000 -13.50% 0.49%
Total Overnight Visitors 1,392,300 1,637,000 1,457,900 -10.94% 2.33%
^AAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys

National and International Visitation Results Year Ending December 2019  

  YE Dec 2017  YE Dec 2018  YE Dec 2019  % Change  3 year AAGR^ 
International Overnight Visitors  116,100  136,800  141,200  +3.2%  +10.3% 
Interstate Overnight Visitors  125,000  171,000  184,000  +7.6%  +21.3% 
Intrastate Overnight Visitors  1,204,000  1,218,000  1,234,000  +1.3%  +1.2% 
Total Overnight Visitors  1,445,100  1,525,800  1,559,200  +2.2%  +3.9% 


^AAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys 

  • International visitation to the region increased by 3.2%. This is in line with the overall international figures at State level, which showed an increase of 3.3 per cent on the 2018 figures. The international holiday visitation at State level was much more pronounced, with an increase of 10.1%. 
  • Interstate overnight visitation to the region increased by 7.6%, which was behind the State level growth rate of 15%.  
  • Intrastate visitation increased by 1.3%, with the 3 year aggregate figure echoing this to show very stable figures for this market. At the State level, the intrastate growth rate reported was 11.2%.  

Visitor Estimates: Year Ending September 2019

International overnight visitors to the region declined by 5.5%, indicating a potential slowing of the decline showed in the 3 year aggregate data (-9.9%). At State level, international holiday visitors were the highest on record for Western Australia, with the number increasing by 13.2% to 521,800. International holiday spend was also the highest WA has ever seen, with a year-on-year increase of 25.2% to $870 million.

Interstate overnight visitors to the Margaret River region increased by 8.5%, indicating a reversal of the downward trend demonstrated by the 3 year aggregate data (-11.4%). This growth was even more pronounced at State level, where interstate leisure visitation increased by 9.6%.

Intrastate overnight visitation to the Margaret River region was steady, with a marginal increase of 2.3%. The State level statistics also showed growing numbers of Western Australians are holidaying at home, with intrastate holiday trips increasing by 15.1& to 3.79 million – the highest figures on record – and corresponding spend up 17.2% to $2.3 billion.

Visitor Estimates: Year Ending June 2019

Intrastate overnight visitors to the Margaret River region grew by 8.2% for the YE June 2019. At state level, West Australians took more overnight trips within the state and spent more compared to the previous year, with visitation and spend increasing 10.3% and 26.0% respectively. Visitation and spend figures were even more pronounced amongst leisure visitors.

Year on year figures for interstate visitation to the region show a downwards fluctuation of -2.3% for YE June 2019 following a period of strong growth which is reflected in the wider trends for this market; the three year aggregate figure for the interstate market remains positive, with a growth of 14.7%, and the previous quarter’s figures for YE March 2019 showing a growth in visitation of 34.6%. At the state level, the number of interstate visitors to Western Australia increased 17.3% and spend increased by 13.6% as a result of increases in visitation both leisure and business, as well as an increase in their average length of stay.

International overnight visitor numbers to the Margaret River region increased by 5.9% for the YE June 2019. This is likely a result of the tendency for the region to attract a higher proportion of leisure visitors, with the figures at state level showing the largest number of international holiday visitors WA has ever seen, growing 12.8% compared to the previous year. At the state level, international holiday visitor spend also reached a record high, growing 21.4% compared to the previous year to $844M, driven by an increase in visitors and average daily spend.

Data from the MRBTA managed caves and lighthouses shows a 6.5% overall increase in visitation for YE June 19, with estimated origin data showing a breakdown of 48% intrastate visitors, 21% coming from interstate and 31% of visitors coming from international markets.

Note: spend and night data is not reported at the MRR level. MRBTA invites all members to participate in the Quarterly Visitation and Spend Survey which helps identify these trends at the local level: Complete The  Survey

YE Jun-17 YE Jun-18 YE Jun -19 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Intrastate Daytrip Visitors
Intrastate Overnight Visitors 1,205,000 1,186,000 1,283,000 8.2% 3.2%
Interstate Overnight Visitors 127,000 171,000 167,000 -2.3% 14.7%
International Overnight Visitors 126,600 129,200 136,800 +5.9% +4%
TotalOvernight Visitors 1,458,600 1,486,200 1,586,800 +6.8% +4.3%

^AAGR= average annual growth rate
Source: Tourism Research Australia – International and National Visitor Surveys

Visitor Estimates: Year Ending March 2019

Intrastate overnight visitor numbers to the region increased by almost 17%, ahead of state-wide growth of 9%.  At the state level, intrastate visitor expenditure increased by 21% and the number of intrastate visitor nights increased by 8%.

Interstate overnight visitor numbers to the region increased by almost 35%, ahead of a state-wide increase of 16%.  At the state level, interstate visitor expenditure increased by 22% and the number of interstate visitor nights increased by 18%.  Spend figures were even more pronounced amongst leisure visitors, of which a higher proportion visit MRR.

International overnight visitor numbers to the Margaret River region increased by 7.5% for the YE March 2019, ahead of a state-wide decline of -1.2%.  This is likely a result of the higher proportion of leisure visitors to the region (the state experienced declines across VFR, business and education visitation).  At the state level, international visitor expenditure by leisure visitors was up by 14.8% and nights were up 3.8%.

This is a very different picture from 12-18 months ago, when visitation and spend was down across almost all markets.

Note: spend and night data is not reported at the MRR level.

YE Mar-17 YE Mar-18 YE Mar -19 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Intrastate Daytrip Visitors 1,099,000 974,000 1,304,000 33.9% 8.9%
Intrastate Overnight Visitors 1,222,000 1,242,000 1,319,000 16.7% 5.4%
Interstate Overnight Visitors 136,000 129,000 179,000 34.6% 14.7%
International Overnight Visitors 130,600 129,300 139,000 +7.5% +3.2%

Visitor Estimates: Year Ending December 2018

Visitation from all markets to the Margaret River Region was up for the YE December 2018.

Intrastate overnight visitor numbers grew by 5.5%, behind state-wide growth of 13.6%.

Interstate visitation grew by almost 38%, ahead of state-wide growth of 18%.  At the state level, spend grew by 18% and nights grew by 5% (note: spend and nights are not collected at the MRR level).  The growth in interstate visitation to the Margaret River Region is likely a result of a MRR campaign run on the East Coast by Tourism WA in August 2018.

International visitation grew by 18%, ahead of state-wide growth of 2%.  At the state level, spend was flat and nights were down 5% (note: spend and nights not collected at the MRR level). It is interesting to note 2016 marked peak international visitor numbers to the region, so it is pleasing to see numbers bouncing back.  It is reasonable to be confident about international numbers continuing to increase in future, following TWA’s recent announcement of a further $12 million for international marketing in key markets (doubling TWA’s current spend), which have a demonstrated desire to travel to the Margaret River region.

YE Dec-16 YE Dec-17 YE Dec-18 Growth % 3 Year AAGR^

International Overnight Visitors









Interstate Overnight Visitors









Intrastate Overnight Visitors










Total Overnight Visitors









Intrastate Daytrip Visitors








Visitor Estimates: Year Ending September 2018

Visitation from all markets, except intrastate daytrippers to the Margaret River Region is markedly up for the YE Sep 2018.  International visitation is still lagging behind 2016 numbers, but showing signs of improvement.

Due to sample sizes, spend data is not captured for the Margaret River Region.  Data at the Australia’s South West level suggest that spend per person/trip for domestic and international visitation has declined.  This is consistent with feedback from members about the Christmas/New Year period in particular, that while there seems to be a good number of visitors around, they are not undertaking as many paid activities as they have in the past.

YE Sep-16 YE Sep-17 YE Sep-18 % Change 3 year AAGR^
Interstate Overnight Visitors


130,000 159,000 22.3%


Intrastate Overnight Visitors


1,282,000 1,368,000 6.7%


Intrastate Daytrip Visitors*


1,161,000 1,053,000 -9.3%




122,800 132,200 7.7%


Visitor Estimates: Year Ending June 2018

In the year ending June 2018, there were 1,483,000 domestic overnight visitors into MRR which is an increase of 5.9% on the previous year. There were also 1,059,000 intrastate daytrips into MRR which is a decline of 11.1% on the previous year, however the 3-year AAGR is positive.

It’s pleasing to see a recovery from our interstate market, with numbers and spend both up for Western Australia for the year ending June 2018.  The Margaret River Region has performed well, recording a 14% increase in interstate visitation over the last three years.

Intrastate visitation over the last three years is slightly down, resulting in static domestic visitor numbers.

YE Jun-16 YE Jun-17 YE Jun-18 % Change 3 year AAGR^
International Overnight Visitors  132,100 128,600  130,500 1.5% -0.6%
Interstate Overnight Visitors 127,000 127,000 165,000 29.9% 14.0%
Intrastate Overnight Visitors 1,342,000 1,274,000 1,318,000 3.5% -0.9%
Total Overnight Visitors 1,469,000 1,401,000 1,483,000 5.9% 0.5%
Intrastate Daytrips 887,000 1,191,000 1,059,000 -11.1% 9.3%

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