Cave Guide and local Sculptor Alan Meyburgh has been commissioned to produce a series of Megafauna (large extinct Australian animals) sculptures for CaveWorks. These pieces are being places at various sites/attractions in and around Augusta and Margaret River. The AMRTA has a strong stance on sustainability and with Alan’s assistance, has managed to recover bits and pieces of polystyrene from all over the south-west to be used as formwork for these sculptures, including buying and being donated off-cuts. The AMRTA has subsequently formed a relationship with CLAW Environmental in Welshpool (Perth), who supply the AMRTA with recycled material. There are no recycling facilities that deal with polystyrene in the south west so we are spreading the word that unwanted polystyrene can be put to better use with CLAW Environmental.
Want to know more? Contact Alan at CaveWorks on 9757 7411.