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Google Listing & Business Hours on

Opening hours shown on, visitor centre touchscreens and the mobile app are now being pulled from Google ‘My Business’ listings for those members that have one.

What is a Google My Business Listing?

Basically a profile of your business that you can set up in Google (for free) to help customers find your business in Google local searches and Google maps. It includes contact info such as phone and location, images, reviews and opening hours.

Why are we preferencing Google listings for opening hours over Bookeasy?

The theory is it can be more trusted to be up to date, so hopefully for visitors and MRBTA staff the information will be more likely to be correct. Just make sure you look at the hours on the website, touchscreens and app rather than inside your Bookeasy console!

It also means one less place, you have to update your trading hours online when you make changes.

What about businesses that don’t have a Google My Business listing?

In this case, the opening hours will still default to the information you have entered into Bookeasy.

Need help?

If you need support with this, please contact us at: [email protected]