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Food and Beverage Product Labelling Workshop

Requirements for labelling of food and beverage products in Australia is a complex, changing and much debated area.

To help businesses better understand product labelling requirements including compliance and well as opportunities to maximise product performance, the CSIRO is hosting a series of free workshops to myth-bust and answer common labelling questions including:

  • What are the new labelling rules about country of origin that could affect my Business?
  • What do your consumers think of food labelling? Do they trust it?
  • What is a health claim for the purposes of food labelling and what do you need to make one?
  • How can I communicate the nutritional benefit of my food?
  • Should I support the Health Star Rating system for my business? And how can I maximise consumer perceptions? Are there options to reformulate my product?

The workshop will cover topics that address the overlap of marketing, nutrition and health science and the law.

Attendees will have the opportunity to have a free one-on-one meeting with the presenters for a product assessment and discussion about their business needs.

When: Monday 6th November 2017, 5.30pm – 7pm
Where: South regional TAFE, Margaret River Campus,
272 Bussell Hwy, Margaret River WA

Questions? Please contact:
Rebecca: 0403 979 506 (MRCCI)
David Monck 0422 88 22 90 (CSIRO)