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Staff Shortages

Staff Shortages

Worker Accommodation EOI: Vasse and Margaret River

MRBTA members are encouraged to participate in the latest industry surveys to ascertain business requirements for worker accommodation in the region. These surveys have been produced by the developers of two new worker accommodation projects - one in Vasse, and the other in Margaret River, with the EOIs running parallel with…
Jenny Lee
September 2, 2024
Staff Shortages

Short Term Rental Accommodation Initiatives

MRBTA has welcomed last week's announcement by the State Government on initiatives to deliver better regulation of the short-term rental accommodation (STRA) sector. A number of these initiatives are aligned with MRBTA's advocacy, which calls for considered regulation of the sector to ensure that visitors have a quality experience, negative…
Jenny Lee
November 13, 2023
Industry News & UpdatesMember EventsStaff ShortagesWorkshops & Industry Training

Update: PALM Scheme Information Session

SW Labour Solutions presented this information session for members to learn more about: Options for recruiting workers through the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme Services provided by SW Labour Solutions including recruitment and worker accommodation. Find a summary of the key takeaways from the session and a recording  below.…
Melissa Carmichael
April 18, 2023
Industry News & UpdatesStaff Shortages

Special Notice: Seasonal Worker Accommodation

Alongside Margaret River Wine Association (MRWA), the South West Development Commission (SWDC), the City of Busselton and Southern Stars Holiday Park, we are pleased to announce that new camping facilities have been developed at Southern Stars Holiday Park in Dunsborough for the specific purpose of providing much-needed seasonal worker accommodation…
Jenny Lee
February 13, 2023